Tuesday, November 12, 2019

A Zentangle on my patio

Black and White Zentangle 

with some yellow thrown in!
finished zentangle drawing by artsyfartsy

I started out this Zentangle with a premade background.  Premade backgrounds are great to get the creative juices flowing.  Yellow ink works nicely with a black and white Zentangle.  I hardly ever draw strictly black and white Zentangle so this is a change for me.  I added some Scena and Caviar "on a stick" as I like to call it.  I can't remember the name of the rest of the tangles though.  For finishing touches, I added some neon yellow Gelly roll "dots" as I often like to do.  It is snowing terribly today so this will probably be the last Zentangle I get to draw outdoors on my patio.  I already miss the sunshine!! 


  1. Great piece, those Caviar stalks made me smile! The little pops of colour add another layer of interest.
